Trans E-Health - Wellbeing and Interventions for Transgender and Gender Diverse People (CZ.03.03.01/00/22_021/0001871)
Basic information
Investigator: PhDr. Pavla Doležalová, PhD.
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/05/2023 - 31/5/2024
Total budget: 2,322,830 CZK
Supported by: EU OP Employment+

The aim of the project is to increase the availability of services and interventions for transgender clientele, to map specific needs in accordance with the areas of international quality standards of care, to analyze and to test the possibilities of setting up services, interventions and innovative methods of client care in an online environment on a smaller group. The project will also strengthen professional capacity and networking in this topic and learnings about Czech and international best practice. We will prepare proposals for system changes.