Support for Acute and Specialized Inpatient Psychiatric Care at NUDZ (CZ.06.04.03/00/22_057/0003893)
Basic information
Investigator: prof. MUDr. Pavel Mohr, Ph.D.
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/2/2024 - 31/12/2025
Total budget: 67,300,859.63 CZK
NIMH budget: 19,770,970.69 CZK
Supported by: Ministry of Regional Development

The aim of the project is to improve the quality and accessibility of acute inpatient psychiatric care for children and adolescents, as well as follow-up care for patients with specific needs in the region. The project will contribute to the development of care for particularly vulnerable patient groups. Establishing an acute inpatient department for child and adolescent psychiatry is seen as essential, especially in light of the nationwide worsening mental health situation and the increasing number of psychiatric diagnoses among children and adolescents.
The development and support of pediatric psychiatric care is one of the priorities of the National Action Plan for Mental Health and the goals of the ongoing psychiatric care reform. Inpatient and outpatient capacities for child and adolescent psychiatry have long been insufficient and poorly accessible. A separate issue is the lack of qualified healthcare staff, both medical and non-medical, to ensure adequate care. This is also tied to the limited availability of accredited institutions that can provide specialized training in child and adolescent psychiatry. NUDZ, as an institution striving for excellence in psychiatry, plans to address this need by establishing a clinical and educational center for child and adolescent psychiatry.