Effective support for people with personality disorders in the Czech Republic (CZ.03.02.02/00/22_031/0001468)

Basic information
Investigator: Mgr. et Bc. Ondřej Krupčík
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/4/2023 - 31/3/2027
Total budget: 41,678,580.25 CZK
Supported by: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
The project supports the availability and effectiveness of health and social services for people with borderline personality disorder in the Czech Republic. Based on international experience, an outpatient programme based on the concept of dialectical behavioural therapy will be designed, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. The project aims to support recovery and functioning in everyday life, to reduce the risk of social exclusion of clients and to increase the awareness and competence of workers in direct contact with clients.