
RNDr. Iveta Vojtěchová, Ph.D.
Iveta Vojtechova works as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of behavioral neurobiology. She studied Animal Physiology – Neurobiology at the Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague. In December 2021, she graduated in the Ph.D. program Neurosciences at the First Faculty of Medicine at the Charles University. She has been a successful principal investigator of two student projects: the Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK) and the Internal Funding Competition at NIMH. As a student, she was awarded several times for the best poster or talk at scientific conferences. At the National Institute of Mental Health, and also in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory at the Institute of Physiology in the Czech Academy of Sciences, she works on projects focused on basic and preclinical research using rat and mouse models of human neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Iveta specializes in behavioral experiments focused on various domains of behavior (spatial memory and cognition, emotionality, sensorimotor skills, social behavior, ultrasonic vocalization recording etc.) in model rodents, and in pharmacological testing of potential treatments of mental disorders as well. In addition, she gains work experience at the Prague College of Psychosocial Studies, where she deals with the phenomenon of SuperAging. Since 2014, she has been participating on Memory Park outreach project organized for the public. Moreover, she is a co-author and editor of the Czech website „BIOMACH, výpisky z biologie“ (www.biomach.cz) designated for high school students.